An Adventure at the cAb
Flying Dog Tire Bite (2/10)
Derek 2 Gross. It's a bad sign when the bottle art has a dog biting a tire with blood flying everywhere.
Nehru 2 This is the last beer in my Journey through the cAb. It is official, I have completed my journey and it is particularly sad to end with Flying Dog Tire Bite, because this beer is awful.
Nick 2 I think I would have rather bitten a tire than drank this piece of shit...It looked like somebody peed in my glass...

What others have to say about Flying Dog Tire Bite?

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7:21 pm
4.5 i can understand the low ratings here when comparing this beer to the rest of the list. but i tend to compare a beer like this to something like Miller Lite. It certainly doesn't have any "bite" to it as advertised.
But it would be an alright beer to tailgate with.

What do you think of Flying Dog Tire Bite?


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