An Adventure at the cAb
Heineken Dark Lager (7.5/10)
Derek 8 Wow, the only other Heineken product I had tasted prior to this was their original skunk beer in a green bottle. I didn't expect much, but I was really surprised. It's a great dark lager that's just a tad overpriced - but so is regular Heineken. Soft, smooth, and very well balanced. This has become my new favorite beer for replacing turbos, haha.
Nick 7 this came recommended from derek, so i had it at dinner one night...i liked it, but was a little disappointed...i thought it was a little watery compared to some better dark beers, it just really lacked the bite that makes me like dark beers.

What others have to say about Heineken Dark Lager?

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2:47 pm
8 Nick: Agreed, but this is not a normal dark beer, it's a dark lager - like amberbock, which are generally a little more watery tasting.

For the price, Amberbock is probably a better bet. To look cool the Heineken is probably better.
3:15 pm
7 thats true, i guess i really didn't consider the fact that it was a dark lager...still, i would say that amberbock is better, not only for the price, but also for taste...i just did not like this as much as i wanted to...but, i did feel pretty cool drinking it
6:12 pm
7.5 This beer is much better than Amber Bock (the only Anheuser-Busch beer that even slightly excites me, btw). I normally don't like Heineken, but a friend recommended this to me. Not the best dark beer in the world, but I was surprised at how good it was. It has a bit of a sweetness to it, but in a good way. Not something I would drink regularly, but worth having on occasion.

What do you think of Heineken Dark Lager?


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