An Adventure at the cAb
Grolsch (4.2/10)
Derek 6.5 Stinky & sorta skunky at first, but decent taste. Got better as I drank it. Plus the name rules.
Nehru 3 another green bottle, another sh*tty beer. This one was the worse smelling of them all, I barely was able to finish.
Nick 3 grolsch = stinky, bad tasting beer...not much else to say about it...

What others have to say about Grolsch?

name rating comment
11:17 am
  Grolsch is one of the best beer at the world!!
12:09 pm
9 Grolsch is the best beer ever made:)
7:17 pm
9 Grolsch is a wonderful beer, second best only to Guinness.

9:28 pm
  Yeah--you seriously have no taste. Grolsch is amazing.
7:54 pm
9 I love this beer, maybe you got an old skanky batch?

For some reason I like the tallboy cans of Grolsch most.
7:56 pm
  that's the problem with grolsch coming in a green bottle. brown bottles block the light that makes beer skunky. green and clear bottles let that light in and after time the beer will become skunky.

in a can, no light gets in... i'd really like to try a can/keg of grosch to taste the difference.
1:57 pm
9.5 grolsch is the best beer ever made. I really love it, but maybe it wasn't cold enough,
Martin from Holland
12:30 pm
9 Grolsch rules!!
To us Grolsch is not just a beer. It's the taste of our region, in the East of Holland. We honour our ancestors and our mother country by drinking it. We also love the name, because it refers to our Nether-Saxon dialect, which was looked down upon by the western regions for centuries. Grolsch was originally brewn in "Grolle", which is the dialect name for Groenlo.

about the skunky taste: You probably had Grolsch Export. That truely tastes like crap(it's adapted to international standards). You should look for the brown bottle.
It's wonderful!
Martin from Holland
12:43 pm
9 Yep, you definately had Grolsch Export. I checked the pictures and you show a green bottle plus it says "premium lager" instead of "premium pilsner"

check out for more info (in Dutch though)
11:51 am
9 Best beer ever you know and if you don't like it you don't know anything about beer drinking
de paashaas
10:07 am
9 gewoon een lekker biertje
7:30 am
  Grolsch is the best! and its NOT stinky!
11:01 am
1 it's no f*cking beer it's horsepee. a bad taste and you get a head ake
4:48 pm
9.5 Grolsch is fucking ace man, rights!

Gotta love it...
9:06 pm
  I´m From holland to and here it a better beer then Heiniken!!

I went tot the states this year and now i´m addicted to Yaengling beer or something like that!
10:39 pm
9 Really this brewed to perfection.
A genuine beer which is not for pussies.
It has a sort of bitter taste to it which makes it so distictive.
I'm from the Netherlands aswell and I really recommend all you guys to try and get your hands on the brown bottles!
2:33 pm
3 There is a reason why it is described as "skunky". It is because it tastes like a skunks asshole! And if you like "skunky" beer than you are probably the kind of person who would lick a skunks asshole.
2:42 pm
4 It's a decent light beer, though a little skunky. I don't mind skunky beers as much as others, but pilsners and lagers are for children. Ales (to include porters and stouts) are what men drink.
12:12 pm
2 This beer tastes bloody terrible. I am in Australia and it came in a green bottle with "premium lager" written across it and it was on special. If I get the opportunity I will try it again if it's in a brown bottle or can.

Just had another one (I'm not gunna waste it...) and it's not gettin any better - it stinks and leaves a disgusting taste in the mouth. This is by far the worst beer I have ever had.
4:10 am
9.5 U must be jokin,Grolsch is one of the best, but everyone's different i guess
3:34 am
9.5 here in Los Angeles the Green bottels are fantastic. This beer really is one i didn't love until I got into beer drinking as a hobby. Its pretty fantastic
3:35 am
9.5 here in Los Angeles the Green bottels are fantastic. This beer really is one i didn't love until I got into beer drinking as a hobby. Its pretty fantastic
2:19 pm
9 A great tasting beer.
9:20 pm
9 What is it with the smell comments on this site? Grolsch has a strong smell because it is packed with hops and flavour. This website probably doesn't know what hops are. Very amateur reporting on these beers. Go drink a Budweiser (and I mean the American one, not the original Czech Budwar, which has flavour)
5:35 am
8.5 Grolsch is a good beer n im tired of people putting down dutch beer. Im from the US but i fuckin luv it and Heineken. It tastes good period . GUINESS Licks balls
8:22 am
9 Grolsch the greatest beer ever made I with to swim in it
5:32 am
  Hallo,Greetings from Holland.Well,kiddies you're in luck today.I happen to work for Heineken here in Holland.We use formaldehyde induced with other chemicals in our export beers to the USA.It's not a Myth,it's an actual reality here in Europe.The same rule complies with a Ceasar Salad.Original Ceasar salads weren't made with anchovies.Yuppies,will contest to this fact.It's true,original Ceasar Salads were made with Worcestershire Sauce.However,yuppies accross the World,have failed to realize this one major key factor:Worcestershire Sauce is made with anchovies lol.Well,the same rule complies with formaldehyde in beer lol.The formaldehyde is added inside other chemicals to pass regualtions lol.Formaldehyde perserves beer and keeps it fresh for the states.Heineken tastes 100% different in Europe,than it does in the USA.In Holland,Heineken bursts in your mouth with wonderful rich flavors.In the states Heineken gives off this after taste.Well,this is the rule of thumb for all exported beer,my friends.
Alan R. G
7:07 pm
9 I'm from Canada and I really dislike beer, I'm a vodka drinker mainly, but I live grolsch beer. I've tried many beers in my 43 years of age and I have to say that Grolsch is #1 Then I'd say Heinekin is # 2 :) .
I'm a conasouir of sorts when it comes to things better and to all those that think grolsch sucks, your mad in the head. Amonst the world. Canadians know beer fairly the best ;) since we have more types than the rest if the world. But to each there own. Different flavours for different folks.
Alan R. G
7:08 pm
9 I'm from Canada and I really dislike beer, I'm a vodka drinker mainly, but I live grolsch beer. I've tried many beers in my 43 years of age and I have to say that Grolsch is #1 Then I'd say Heinekin is # 2 :) .
I'm a conasouir of sorts when it comes to things better and to all those that think grolsch sucks, your mad in the head. Amonst the world. Canadians know beer fairly the best ;) since we have more types than the rest if the world. But to each there own. Different flavours for different folks.
Alan R. G
7:08 pm
9 I'm from Canada and I really dislike beer, I'm a vodka drinker mainly, but I live grolsch beer. I've tried many beers in my 43 years of age and I have to say that Grolsch is #1 Then I'd say Heinekin is # 2 :) .
I'm a conasouir of sorts when it comes to things better and to all those that think grolsch sucks, your mad in the head. Amonst the world. Canadians know beer fairly the best ;) since we have more types than the rest if the world. But to each there own. Different flavours for different folks.
Alan R. G
7:08 pm
9 I'm from Canada and I really dislike beer, I'm a vodka drinker mainly, but I live grolsch beer. I've tried many beers in my 43 years of age and I have to say that Grolsch is #1 Then I'd say Heinekin is # 2 .
I'm a conasouir of sorts when it comes to things better and to all those that think grolsch sucks, your mad in the head. Amonst the world. Canadians know beer fairly the best ;since we have more types than the rest if the world. But to each there own. Different flavours for different folks.
blah blah
5:47 am
2 I can believe that it is an acquired taste. I think it is pretty bad. I needed some bottles for beer i brew just to take samples from the keg so i got an export four pack in the green bottles. Not exactly happy with this for the beer inside. I thought it would be a crisp clean lager with an interesting taste. Its got tons of sweet malt character but its pretty skunky, even more so than Heineken witch i find more drinkable, but anyway i bet if i was in Holland having some fresh it might be a different story. great bottles though even if they let more light in. all you that love it you should try a dogfish head 60 90 or 120 to see what a good craft beer taste like. i don't why the guy above me think Canadians know best.... hmm lol
blah blah
5:48 am
2 I can believe that it is an acquired taste. I think it is pretty bad. I needed some bottles for beer i brew just to take samples from the keg so i got an export four pack in the green bottles. Not exactly happy with this for the beer inside. I thought it would be a crisp clean lager with an interesting taste. Its got tons of sweet malt character but its pretty skunky, even more so than Heineken witch i find more drinkable, but anyway i bet if i was in Holland having some fresh it might be a different story. great bottles though even if they let more light in. all you that love it you should try a dogfish head 60 90 or 120 to see what a good craft beer taste like. i don't why the guy above me think Canadians know best.... hmm lol
blah blah
5:48 am
2 I can believe that it is an acquired taste. I think it is pretty bad. I needed some bottles for beer i brew just to take samples from the keg so i got an export four pack in the green bottles. Not exactly happy with this for the beer inside. I thought it would be a crisp clean lager with an interesting taste. Its got tons of sweet malt character but its pretty skunky, even more so than Heineken witch i find more drinkable, but anyway i bet if i was in Holland having some fresh it might be a different story. great bottles though even if they let more light in. all you that love it you should try a dogfish head 60 90 or 120 to see what a good craft beer taste like. i don't why the guy above me think Canadians know best.... hmm lol
5:34 am
9 I personally enjoy this brew. I drink the green bottles and love the skunky smell. The taste is one of the best I've drank in all the beers, no doubt. Its unique and different, one of those tastes that makes you want. I highly recommend this brew to all.

What do you think of Grolsch?


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