An Adventure at the cAb
Guinness (5.5/10)
Derek 6 I'm not a big fan right now, but I think that this beer will grow on me.
Nehru 3 Guinness: I thought since my tastes have moved to darker beers that I would warm up to still tastes terrible to me, I am going to see if it put hair on my chest.
Nick 4 Ah, Guinness...never has a beer inspired so much debate...I have never been much for dark beers, so I went in expecting to hate it...It was better than I thought, but still not something I would order often...I hear it is not that good in a bottle though...
Zach 9 my favorite beer ever.

What others have to say about Guinness?

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7:42 pm
  As someone who enjoys an occasional Guinness, I can point out a few things in this picture. First, the Guinness is coming out of a bottle. I remember thinking one time, "Gee, I liked Guinness when I had it that one time in the bar, why not try this bottle?" But it tasted horrible. Something about a bottle that ruins Guinness. The second thing is that mug. It's frosty. I'll bet you had all kinds of frost floating in the Guiness, plus it was served extremely cold. That's another thing that will ruin a Guinness. There is only one really good way to enjoy Guinness, and that is straight from the tap served cool, not cold. It can taste downright smooth if you get it from the right place, so don't give up just yet. Try Caf� Beaudelaire in Ames, I think I've always liked it there.
7:53 pm
  i'm afraid to tell you vanwinkle that the bottle said "Best Served Cold" on the side
8:00 pm
  I think it also says "Drink straight from the bottle," and I tried that, too. Do you just believe everything you are told?
9:51 pm
9 Wow, I can't believe the ratings here. This is a classic. Research how its made and you'll have a new appreciation just for the history and complexity of it. Vaniwinkle you are right, get it on tap, properly poured, and the right temperature. In a pinch the cans with the nitrogen are OK. Also, give it several tries, its an aquired taste - like good wine or single malt scotch.
Hops and Barley
3:20 pm
8 The first problem you have is that you are drinking it out of a bottle. Everyone knows that to really enjoy a Guinness, you must find it on tap with a fresh keg. No comparison. Your rating of the bottle is understandable.
7:24 pm
9.5 Absolutely wonderful when it comes from the tap. When it comes from a bottle or a can, it loses some of its quality.
3:44 am
9.5 its the best in my opinion, only problem with it is distribution, hard to find in some places. But creamy, coffee/chocolate hint. Great stuff
1:48 am
9 I never cared for Guinness until I took a trip to Ireland. I figured it would be a shame not to order it. I drank it the entire time. I love it now. It's definitely an acquired taste and takes some getting used to. Give it some time.
noah odell
6:29 am
9 i fucking love this beer! i dont care what any of you fags say it taste super!
3:01 am
9 its excellent. only problem is, i'm in the US, and im not 21. therefore, i cant get ahold of it on a regular basis, because america is a shithole.
1:36 am
9 This is the only beer I drink anymore...i love it and now my husband is hooked. We always come back to Guinness, no matter what the fad.
Big Jim Slade
11:29 pm
4.5 Yeah, I took that same trip to Ireland, and drank LOTS of nice warm Guinness. I still think it's best served with a spoon and oyster crackers. Don't get caught up in the "history and tradition" of a beer.
7:24 pm
4 my best friend loves it one drunken night i had a sip of her's and thought it was disgusting ... the other night at a bar i was tierd of the same ol beer (mostly the mexican one's) so i ordered a guinness, and 4 pitchers later im hooked
7:33 pm
7.5 I remember when I was 18, I had my first Guinness and I thought it was a beer that had gone bad.
But now that I am 24, my tastes have broadened a bit. Don't go for the bottled version. Get a draft with dinner some time.
Bud Silveira
5:23 am
9 To me, this is the king of all brews. Just a myriad of flavors happening with every sip, gulp, and swallow. Excellent consistency, flavors, texture, drinkability, and color! Amazing beer!

What do you think of Guinness?


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